Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hi guys! Anna here. Welcome to our blog!

 Here, Kate and I, will be posting anything, really... Much like a public diary.

My fashion style is flirty, cute, girly, preppy, etc. I like soft colors, floral print, and cute designs. I love trying out new hairstyles for fun, but I usually just keep my hair down or in a pony.

I love thinking of new ways to wear old clothes. Like that old denim jacket in the back of your closet, or that elastic waistbanded skirt that's ripped.

I'm so excited about this blog! I'll be posting tips on skincare, DIY's, room decor ideas, my style, etc!

Please read our future posts and tell us what you think!

Thanks so much for reading!

-Anna, xoxo

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