Friday, August 24, 2012

Quick Look: Honey Mask

Hey everyone! I just wanted to share with you a quick tutorial on how to do a honey mask!

So before I tell you how to do this mask, I wanted to tell you that after using this mask about twice a week really made my skin feel hydrated, moisturized, and soft! This is great for sensitive skin like mine although you should still be cautious when using this mask, it may not work on all skin types! Anyways lets get started ^.^

You need two ingredients:
1. Honey (offcourse)
2. Milk (teaspoon)

Before you put this mask on, make sure that your face is cleaned and dry. So get a bowl, add a teaspoon of milk and some honey and mix well. The amount of honey depends on how much you want to use. Then all you do is apply the honey mask on to your face using your fingers. I usually keep the mask on for an hour. But it's up to you on how long you want to keep it on your face. Once you're done, wash off the honey with luke warm water. I wouldn't apply soap because if you really want the honey to work, let it sink into your pores. Well I hope you enjoyed this short tutorial, and a quick look at one of my skin care routines :)
-Kate- xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Using a honey face mask for your face, you will know that it is great and you can be 100% sure it protect the skin and give your face new look! There are many benefits when it comes to using honey face mask. Actually, been used as a great remedy to cure acne .So what are Honey Face Mask Benefits towards skin?
